Forums -> General Discussion -> is it just me wondering why...
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alchemistlvl 42
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Joined: 9/1/2010
Posted: 7/28/2011 4:30:29 PM

If we had a system whereby the top 10% rated maps automatically made it into the official rotation that would mean I would vote more. I.E. the better maps get rated and therefore are available.
There are 3 or 4 fantastic maps that are now gone forever - I can't even tell you the ID as they have dropped off my profile.
I think the main problem is that there are not enough players for the current rating system to make any sense.
I also agree with ditching the description text and making it 5 stars for two categories - Fun and Map design.

Corrosivelvl 21

Posts: 4
Joined: 4/8/2011
Posted: 8/4/2011 4:25:13 PM

You could always just only reward exp points for voting to people that either have completed the map, or completed at least a percentage of it. That way everyone can vote, but only those who have thoroughly tried the maps will earn exp off it
njulianlvl 67
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Posted: 8/8/2011 9:43:20 AM

If there was an Achievement for rating 5, 10, 20, 50 maps, people would do it.
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