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Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 11/7/2010 7:24:42 PM

Ok, I guess enough people have asked for new towers.... maybe I should do it. :P

I had an old forum thread talking about new towers... but I'll just start a new thread to get new ideas.

Please describe what kind of towers AND/OR new powerups you wish to see in the game.
Peekapooladylvl 15
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Posted: 11/7/2010 7:45:50 PM

I would really like to see a tower that gives damage over time. Also one that has a chance to send a creep back to the start(teleport). Thank you for all the updates Sparticus! WOOT!WOOT!
carlninilvl 27
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Posted: 11/7/2010 9:02:55 PM

if i can say my opinion, i dont want a tower that CAN teleport , because i dont want the luck to change the score :(
MainstreaMlvl 85
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Posted: 11/8/2010 1:22:10 AM

Agree with Carlnini on the teleport.
My preferences for new towers:
(1) Self-upgrading tower - expesive thing that can't be upgraded but grows stronger with every creep it kills. Placing this in the right spot would be an advantage; placing it in the wrong spot would mean... loosing a lot of money.
(2) Poison tower would be great - not that much damage but creeps loose health over time. Upgrading brings more poison and longer poison duration
(3) laser tower - low-damage tower that damages everything on the field in a straight line drawn between the tower and the first creep in it's perimeter. (footnote: as metal slugs are immune to cold, they should be less damaged by laserheat too)

But as we have new towers and the game gets unbalanced due to that fact, I suggest we also add some new creeps to balance it out:
(a) Spawning: when dying, they produce 2 smaller versions of themselves
(b) exploding bosses: explode when they die, damaging towers nearby for a small percentage (that has influence both on their speed and the damage they deal). Player can repair towers by clicking on them; the repair time is dependend on the amount of damage and the tower will remain inactive when repairing - just like upgrading.
(c) Self-healing: restore a percentage of their health when they're not being shot at or poisoned.

As you may gather, both (a) and (b) our countering the juggling that you'll see happening when towers (1) and (2) come into play. (3) will be mitigated by the metal slugs already.
derchrislvl 13

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Posted: 11/8/2010 11:12:06 AM   (Edited: 11/8/2010 11:12:58 AM)

Spawner creeps? They're used very often in other TD's _plus_ i never liked them.. :P
I'd love to have creeps that slow/weaken towers in a radius of x by y percent. The slow/weaken shouldn't stack tho.

i'd really love to have poison towers, maybe one should get the chance to upgrade Pellet tower or Splash tower to Single-Poison/Splash-Poison with the first upgrade on those. Poison shouldn't stack either imho, juggling would be way to easy with stacking poison.

I like the laser tower idea, additionaly you could get something like a web tower. The idea is that you need at least two of them within a certain radius of each other so that they build some sort of laserfence in between them that damages every creep that walks through the fence.

Catchmelvl 37
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Posted: 11/8/2010 12:22:31 PM

laser tower (Y)
poison tower (Y)
self-upgrading tower (Y)
teleport tower (N)

and the creeps..
i really like the ideas but wouldnt it be unfair or kind of confusing if there are exploding bosses ?

and my idea for new power ups are a slow-powerup. it slows the creeps for a given time.. would be nice for jugglers ;)
2nd.. x2 power ups.. the creeps get x2 health, but x2 points for killing them too ;) would also be nice for jugglers and if you use it wisely, then it will be a big difference..
and maybe the opposite would be interesting for newbies.. so: half health, or x2 shots per minute..

Asylumlvl 39
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Posted: 11/8/2010 4:02:16 PM

The self upgrading tower is a killer idea, i say work on that one first
T19lvl 71

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Posted: 11/9/2010 2:41:22 AM

Shock Tower: Stuns Creeps for Level*0,25 Seconds, but afterwards Creeps are immune to stun for 6-Level*0,5 Seconds.

Debuff Tower: Creeps become vulnerable taking 10/20/.../60% more damage for x Seconds. Does not stack with other Debuff Towers.

Web Tower: Draws a line to every other Web Tower in Range(Range 4).
Does low damage (5/11/18/26/35/45) when a creep crosses the lines. Should be relativly cheap (something like Pelet Tower). Useles in small numbers but powerfull when massed.
Tower A |1234| Tower B
Tower C |
A+B are level 1, C is level 2. A Creep passing between A and B is getting 10 Damage (5 for A and 5 for B), passing between B and C 16 Damage.

Wall: A 1*1 Wall (normal towers are 2*2). Does nothing exept blocking. It would allow more options for Maze building. Cost 2.

Execute tower: Does continues damage to 1 Creep, damage gets higher with every "shot" fired to the same creep. Resets when changing creeps.

Disorient Tower: Disorients Creeps so that they walk backwards for a short time.
Catchmelvl 37
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Posted: 11/9/2010 3:00:47 AM

i like that ideas too..
the wall would be a great thing..
lordcrumblvl 100

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Posted: 11/9/2010 3:21:12 AM

i'm for T19 post. that sums it up for me
Asylumlvl 39
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Posted: 11/9/2010 11:49:47 AM

you got some good ideas t19

Posts: 73
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Posted: 11/9/2010 1:28:45 PM

Here are my "votes":

laser tower (Y)
web tower(s) (Y)
teleport tower (no)
wall (half-width) tower (Y)
disorient tower (Y)
range boost tower (Y)
poison tower (meh)
grapeshot tower (Y)
(low fire rate; fires lots of little pellets, which spread in a pie-shaped wedge; near creeps damaged a lot, far creeps just a little)


damage (suicide bomber?) creeps (Y)
spawn creeps (no)
morph creeps (no)

What about one-way directional tiles - these would be "path" tiles not "wall" tiles; creeps can only travel over them one way, so you could make loops or complex courses, forcing creeps past the same spot more than once.
njulianlvl 67
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Posted: 11/9/2010 2:03:08 PM

I like to see a suicid-tower that kills all creeps arround it, like the boom-tower. Ther suicide-tower has range1 and kill creeps intantly, and itself of course. But it cann't kill a boss.
T19lvl 71

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Posted: 11/9/2010 3:47:27 PM

Just some ideas that i have stolen from the countles TD Games that i played^^
Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 11/9/2010 3:55:22 PM

Ya, as someone mentioned in the other thread... Coming up with a tower that have never been used before and any other TD is quite hard. There is a reason they are used over and over.... people like them.
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