Forums -> Suggestions & Feedback -> Multiple Entries per tourni
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ziggystarlvl 14

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Posted: 8/30/2010 1:24:45 PM

I wonder what the reasoning is why people can have multiple entries in a tourni instead of keeping just the best of each player.
Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 8/30/2010 1:47:18 PM

Because each entry gets awarded experience and geek points. If i just kept your best score it would get confusing when the points were awarded.
ziggystarlvl 14

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Posted: 8/30/2010 2:11:22 PM

But this way you can simply fill up a tournament alone with your own entries and receive points for being bad, no?
Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 8/30/2010 2:39:35 PM

Well, it'll be rare that you'll be the only one in a tournament. If you are, if you have good score, you still deserve the experience and geek points. If you fill all the spots with bad scores, you'll get nothing.
neoman121lvl 29

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Posted: 8/31/2010 2:38:29 PM

so is amount of geek points based on your place at the end of the tournament?. like 1st gets 200 2cnd gets 150 an so on until like 5th and lower you get nothing?. :/. but you will need to change the amount of geek points you get if this is the system you use based on how many people are in the tournament!. or is it based on how many points you get?. if so than i think that that will save you allot of time if its based on how many points you have at the end of your current game. however it would also be nice to have bonus geek points for getting 4th/3rd/2cnd/1st.

also something that i think would be nice is if you made it so that the number of players that were allowed were so that if you enter it twice to try and beat your score and you do than it erases your old record and puts your new one in the appropriate place. and if you don't beat it then it keeps your better record and disregards the lower score one. :). then people can't have multiple entries so they get first by not having to be put up against as many people.
carlninilvl 27
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Posted: 8/31/2010 2:55:05 PM

this is already that ^^ exept that we can enter many time, i find thats ok, the touranament would never end if this wasnt like that
ParaNoialvl 7
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Posted: 8/31/2010 3:16:14 PM

the site got aired a few days ago, not many active members yet. When this site starts to grow you most likely won't have the time for a 2nd entry in a tournament.

Might there be a way, to remove the D/C and 0 point plays out of the tournament, so they don't fill up a slot?
Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 8/31/2010 4:06:02 PM

I definately could make it so d/c's and 0 point scores don't count in tournaments.... if that's what people want
carlninilvl 27
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Posted: 8/31/2010 4:07:07 PM

in fact, this could be fun, but not now, when there will be more people no?
alchemistlvl 42
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Posted: 9/3/2010 4:08:39 PM

Sorry - I posted in bugs and then found this thread.

I think multiple entries into a tournament should be limited to your top 3 best scores / or all your score attempts count as 1 player limit tournament entry.

The spammers will come into a tournament and open the game 50 times to spam the scoreboards.

Also - as I see the system auto generate a new tournament automatically after the last one filled - I could see this being a real problem for you down the line. A quick script could enter the auto-gen tournament over and over and over all night long.

alchemistlvl 42
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Posted: 9/3/2010 4:46:02 PM

Another reason this needs to change :) - I wanted to go improve my score and then triggered the player limit - it just won't scale up - but I really like the idea of a player limit. I think you will need some kind of hybrid arrangement where you have a 'unique' player limit not number of entries and an end-time of some length for all the auto-gen tournaments.
Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 9/3/2010 5:35:26 PM

Ya, this question is the most common question I've been asked... I could very easily make it so that it only keeps your best score... but I don't know about you, but If I spent 3 hours playing in the same tournament over and over I'd like to get credited with more than just 1 entry (I assign experience and geek points based on where you place in the tournament per entry).

As it stands right now, you get exp/gp for each entry. If you join a tournament and then disconnect or get a score of zero, you get nothing.

(I'm just noticing how bad I need a "quote" feature... added to the to do list)

By the end of the weekend (or sooner) I should have it so that it only counts entries to a tournament that have a score > 1 (so d/c's won't count either). This way people can't spam join tournament and expect to get anything. Plus, it's against the terms of service of the site to abuse the system like that. If you see anyone doing that, go to their profile and click on the report user link.

The other problem I see is this. Let's say I have a tournament that needs 30 "unique" people before it ends... there are some maps out there that people just don't enjoy playing. That map therefore may take quite a while to end.

I am definitely open to change the way it works now, I just want to make sure it works for everyone.

alchemistlvl 42
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Posted: 9/3/2010 5:50:10 PM

I don't think the 30 'unique' issue is a problem - on the harder maps / less favourable maps - I would probably prefer the tournament to be open longer anyway - the satisfaction here is the competition - there might be some super map that only the top players could do anything with and that 'tournament' could be open all year.

I don't think you need to change your current experience / points system for entries - maybe I play in a tournament 100 times and get loads of points - just don't increment the player count towards hitting the limit in the tournament if I play 100 times.

As for the effort / reward tradeoff - I guess you could reward the best players in the tournament.
E.G. If place first I get +100 - 2nd +50 etc. etc. So I get my trickle of points for playing the game over and over - but if I do well it makes it worth it. Maybe you can collect badges or something when you come first.

Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 9/3/2010 6:06:36 PM

Ok, after thinking about it I'm starting to agree. How does this sound (let me know if you don't like certain points) :

1.) I only show each users best score on the tournament page

2.) If a tournament has the max players set to 20, then the tournament requires 20 unique players. A user can enter 100 times if they wish, it will only record their best score.

3.) The exp/geek points would be awarded in an exponential fashion. First place gets tons, second get 50% of what 1st got, 3rd gets 35% of what 1st got, 4th is 30%, 5th 26%, 6th 24%, etc.... (those number were just randomly made up as an example)

4.) If you entered the tournament once and got first, and someone entered 57 times and got 2nd, the guy that played once will get more exp/gp. (just making sure you understand it's the place you receive that matters, not how many times you tried)

5.) All/most tournaments will have an end time (usually at least a day). That way if a map is not getting played it will be eventually removed and a new map will be cycled in.


carlninilvl 27
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Posted: 9/3/2010 6:28:39 PM

oki doki
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