Forums -> Suggestions & Feedback -> Enhancing the Weekly Golden Ticket Tournament
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landronnlvl 44

Posts: 66
Joined: 10/28/2010
Posted: 12/10/2010 6:03:04 AM

It seems that the only motivation to play the weekly tournament is all or nothing. Either you get first place or it is absolutely no different than any other tournament.

Since it is a special tournament, only runs once a week, and requires earning golden tickets to even try it... why not make it a little more special for everyone instead of only for the single person who comes in first.

My suggestion is the make the Gp and the experience a multiple of a standard tournament (2x, 5x, 10x.)

Consider the fact that someone winning the weekly tournament in the upper 20s is going to get a Level Point worth around 20,000 experience to them and the person who finishes second might get 200.

Also consider the renewed interest in obtaining golden tickets if the "payout" was greater for everyone who participated.

My personal suggestion is for 10x. I believe that this will make it competitive enough to promote needing more tickets and spending more time improving your score. I also believe that it will not upset the balance of things as around 100 tourneys run each week. I think that only doubling or tripling the reward is not going to matter enough.
Fricknlvl 22
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Posted: 12/10/2010 8:13:33 AM

Yep, i think thats a very good idea, im for it. I dont try this Tournaments often because i had not the best chance with lvl 9 and the prices for the 11th or 20th place are not so good.
Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 12/10/2010 9:20:17 AM

Ya, I agree. How about I make it so experience gained from that tournament is 10x it's normal amount? I'll keep the GP amount the same as I feel there is just way to much GP out there right now.
landronnlvl 44

Posts: 66
Joined: 10/28/2010
Posted: 12/10/2010 2:02:50 PM

I like the idea very much :D

I actually had a sentence at the end explaining that the focus was about experience and not Gp but I deleted it to make it shorter - lol
alchemistlvl 42
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Posted: 12/10/2010 3:21:04 PM

There is way to much gp out there if you are winning tournaments ....
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