Forums -> News & Announcements -> Want to make your own Official BTGTD Tournament?
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Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 9/10/2010 7:20:41 PM

Well, it took a bit of work, but I'm finally done implementing this feature.

Here's how it works :

You make your own tournament/map. Practice your map a few times and then go back and make any necessary changes. If you feel the tournament you've created is challenging and fun to play, start your tournament. For it to be eligible to become an official BTGTD map you need to invite me (as well as hopefully many others) to try it out. If the general concensus was that they enjoyed it, I'll add it to the official map rotation.

Hints to making a good tournament :

- Try and make it stand out. If you just make a wide open map with a start and end point, your chances aren't very good. Be creative. Maps that are similar to one another probably won't get picked.

- Give it a good title. Naming your tournament "My Map" isn't a good idea. Make it reflect the theme of your tournament. Feel free to add things like "1 life, extra hard bosses" or other descriptive things in the title.

- Don't be scared to play with the creeps values. Make the yellow arrows go even faster, make bosses stronger, etc. There's nothing wrong at all with the default values, but just remember that you can make some interesting tournaments by playing with these numbers.

- Don't make your tournament cost too many (if any) geek points. You want people to try your tournament out and give feedback. If you charge 100 geek points to enter you might be disappointed.

What do you get for having your own map chosen to be part of the official rotation?

- Most important of all you get the pride of knowing you made the map people are enjoying *cough* :P

- You get your name listed on the tournament page as the original creator of the map

- You will get 0.25 Geek Points for every entry in your tournament as long as your tournament stays in the official rotation. So, if your tournament comes to an end and 60 people joined it, you'll get 15 Geek Points automatically. This could add up quite quickly if you have numerous tournaments in the rotation. Obviously if you make a popular map, you'll earn more. (The 0.25 might change to a larger or smaller number after I see how things go)

Things to note :

- If I chose your tournament, I might make a few modifications to it. For example, if you set the max players to 200, I might change it to 40 or 50. If you make it so there is no end time, I will probably set one for you. If I feel you have an awesome map, but only set it to 30 levels, I might increase it to 60 or more to make the fun last longer.

- I can't choose everyone's tournament. Please don't be offended if I don't pick yours. I'm going to try and pick the best of the best.

- I don't have the time to enter every tournament. I'm quite busy working on the site. I will try and join most of them, but I might have to rely on the comments posted in the trash talk to see how people enjoyed it.

- You won't get the Geek Points till after the tournament ends.

Ok, I think that's it. Let me know if you have any questions :)
digimonhackerlvl 27
I used to play this when I was 14. I'm 24 now.

Posts: 41
Joined: 9/1/2010
Posted: 9/10/2010 10:53:11 PM

i have a question:
Can you make something to show who created the tournament?
for example: i play a super-cool map and i want to say something to creater, but who is?

Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 9/10/2010 10:55:35 PM

It's kinda hidden but it says who created the tournament in the black header bar in the tournament results page.
digimonhackerlvl 27
I used to play this when I was 14. I'm 24 now.

Posts: 41
Joined: 9/1/2010
Posted: 9/10/2010 10:58:19 PM

I found it, 'cause here up says - You get your name listed on the tournament page as the original creator of the map" and I couldn't find it,

Thanks Sparticus!
raceBanditlvl 15
The next level begins here.

Posts: 27
Joined: 8/29/2010
Posted: 9/12/2010 10:39:27 AM

Okay, this (and the cheaper tournament creation prices) got me to add friends randomly and open up my Flare of Demeos tournament :P
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